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The primary course blog for HIST 246, Spring 2011

Irish Confederates

April 11th, 2011 by Caleb McDaniel

Post by Jocelyn Wright

[Note: The author of this post is a student in HIST 300, an independent study group that has been reading historiography about Dowling, the Battle of Sabine Pass, and the contested memory of the Civil War. To satisfy one of the requirements for that course, Kat did some additional research about the context for the re-dedication of the Dick Dowling monument.]

Dick Dowling’s statue is the product of collaboration between two groups with seemingly very different agendas: the Ancient Order of Hibernians and the United Confederate Veterans. Why would a society aimed at preserving and celebrating Irish heritage ever find a reason for collaborating with a group aimed at doing the same for Confederate heritage? As we learned in Dr. Murphy’s discussion last Thursday though, the concept of a Confederate Irish man during the Civil War was actually quite common. Several other Irish men, including John Mitchell and Patrick Cleburne, made equally important contributions to the Confederacy’s war effort. In fact, Irish Confederates were not exceptional during the Civil War. 

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Blog Post #11

April 11th, 2011 by Caleb McDaniel

For this week’s blog post, due on Thursday morning at 9 a.m., publish a post that explains what you, individually, have been doing for your group project over the last week. Be specific about what you’ve learned, what you’ve done, and what you will be doing next.

Blog Post #10

April 5th, 2011 by Caleb McDaniel

Your tenth blogging assignment is based on your reading of Eric Foner’s Nothing But Freedom: Emancipation and its Legacy, which is one of the required texts for this course. After reading the book, write a post that responds to ONE of the following questions, drawing on specific examples and evidence from the text to support your answer.

  1. Foner’s book compares the post-emancipation experience of several slave societies, including in Haiti, the British West Indies, and the American South. What, if anything, did all of these post-emancipation experiences have in common?
  2. According to Foner, what aspects of the American emancipation experience made it distinctive? What difference did the unique aspects of emancipation in the United States make to the fate of freedpeople?
  3. Did freedpeople view sharecropping as wholly opposed to their interests? Why or why not?
  4. According to Foner, what were the most important consequences of the rise of Redemption governments?

The deadline for this post is different from the usual deadline. Please complete this assignment and publish your post by 11:59 p.m. on Sunday, April 10.

The Monument Restoration Movement

April 4th, 2011 by Caleb McDaniel

Post written by Kathryn Skilton

[Note: The author of this post is a student in HIST 300, an independent study group that has been reading historiography about Dowling, the Battle of Sabine Pass, and the contested memory of the Civil War. To satisfy one of the requirements for that course, Kat did some additional research about the context for the re-dedication of the Dick Dowling monument.]

A study of the Dick Dowling monument and rededication ceremony of 1997 would not be complete without understanding the reason behind the monument’s rededication. While many in History 246 and History 300 have asked whether the main focus of this rededication was Dowling’s Irish Heritage or Confederate Legacy, few have asked a more basic question: why exactly was the monument being rededicated at the exact moment it was? The restoration of the Dick Dowling Statue, was not a unique occurrence in Houston during 1996-1997, instead, it was part of a greater movement involving federal, state, and local authorities to preserve outdoor sculpture and public art.

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Group Meetings

April 1st, 2011 by Caleb McDaniel

In the early part of this coming week (April 4-6), I would like to meet with each group individually to draw up a contract for your project. Please confer with your group members and choose one of the times on this Writeboard to meet with me. The password is the same as the other Writeboards we’ve used, and you can edit the page to sign up for a time.

Historians on Dowling over Time

April 1st, 2011 by Caleb McDaniel

For your second library assignment, each of you selected a past historian of Texas to see what he or she had to say about Dowling and the Battle of Sabine Pass. Only a couple of you found that these topics were not mentioned in the texts you looked at, which testifies to how often Dowling and the battle are mentioned even in very general Texas history books. I also noticed a couple of themes in your posts.

The Numbers Game
As many of you noticed, it’s striking that the critical “numbers” involved in the Battle of Sabine Pass vary so wildly across books and even across editions of the same book. How many Union transports were involved–17? 20? 23? How many Union prisoners were taken–250, 315, 350? How many men did Dowling have in the fort–42? 46? 47? These are all questions on which the authors of the books you read differ. And they also differ in their reports of the number of Union troops involved in the battle. As I mentioned in a comment on Kat’s post, determining that number is actually more difficult than you might think. It doesn’t help matters that different writers have proposed figures ranging from 1,500 to 4,000–5,000–6,000–and even, in the case of one Confederate veteran who wrote a history of Texas, 15,000! These disparities raise some dilemmas that your groups will need to resolve about how you intend to describe the battle. They also indicate, perhaps, that writers of Dowling have often simply relied on other chroniclers to get their figures instead of rigorously examining the primary sources–a pattern that has perhaps allowed popular myth and memory to have particular influence on the way historians describe the battle.

The Significance of the Battle
While the writers you examined don’t all agree on the numbers, it is striking that so many of them mention the numbers of the forces involved in the battle. What that indicates to me is that many historians have written as though the primary significance of the battle lies primarily in its lop-sided nature. Certainly, that was what Dowling’s early champions like Jefferson Davis believed–they thought what made the battle most significance was that it was a “David versus Goliath” victory. In a way, what these histories show is that these early descriptions of the battle succeeded in shaping the way the battle has been remembered ever after. It’s almost de rigueur for historians to mention the numbers in the battle, which of course is exactly how Davis wanted the significance of the battle to be remembered (see DD0001). Meanwhile, as many of you noted, other potential interpretations of the battle’s significance–like the fact that it prevented Union armies from liberating slaves in Texas as they were elsewhere–are hardly ever mentioned. Some of the texts do repeat the idea that the battle affected the credit rating of the United States and the stock market; from your collective research, it appears that this claim was taken originally from a contemporary article in the New York Herald and may have been first reported in the 1943 edition of Rupert Norval Richardson’s Texas history textbook, before being picked up by other books published in 1968, 1971, and 1976. It seems odd that this claim, apparently based on the slender evidence of one newspaper article, has gotten so much play, since the impact of the battle on the fortunes of slavery in Texas seem like they would be more significant than a temporary dip in the stock market. Yet the larger national context of the war–including slavery–doesn’t seem to have appeared often in the excerpts you all found, and even when it did appear, the national picture was usually brought up in brief discussions about the causes of the war instead of being connected to the battle itself and its consequences.

These reflections pose another dilemma that you and your group may have to settle as you make your projects: how will you describe the significance of the battle, if indeed it deserves to be called significant? As you answer that question, it might be worth checking out Stephanie’s reflections on the book she examined by David McComb:

I personally was surprised to see that he did not make changes to the whole book. As professor emeritus of history at Colorado State University, it would seem that McComb would recognize that over the 20 years between his two editions, scholarship about the history of the South has changed and grown dramatically. It was disappointing to see that he did not show those changes in his new edition.

Whatever McComb’s reason for leaving his editions relatively the same, Stephanie’s comment raises a question for all of you: should Dowling’s story be told differently in light of some of the scholarship you have read this semester–by Manning, Levine, Berlin, McPherson, Hahn, and others? If this scholarship had been around earlier, would the memory of Dowling and his significance have been different?

The Significance of the Civil War
A final point that many of you made was that the significance of the Civil War itself seemed to be downplayed in many of the histories you’ve read. Renee, Courtney, Stephanie, Alex, and Victor all expressed some surprise to find that their books devoted so little attention to the whole conflict and seemed to race past it, spending more time talking about the Texas Revolution or the postwar period. This in itself is an interesting finding. Does it suggest a larger tendency of Texas historians to downplay the war, its causes, and its consequences? It’s striking that the books that Courtney and Clarissa looked at both seemed to devote some time to mentioning Unionist resistance to the Confederacy; is the attention given to that topic out of proportion to the extensiveness of Unionism, and if so, why do you think writers go out of their way to talk about Sam Houston’s Unionism instead of about the positions of, say, Governor Frank Lubbock–who was in charge when the Battle of Sabine Pass was fought?

From the archives: RSS

March 29th, 2011 by Caleb McDaniel

As mentioned in class today, you may want to revisit this earlier post on how to use RSS to keep on top of updates to the blogs for this course. Especially as you begin working on the group projects, you’ll want to keep up to speed on what the different groups are doing, as well as on any new resources I announce here on the main blog.

More on Emancipation Park

March 29th, 2011 by Caleb McDaniel

Post written by Jaclyn Youngblood

[Note: The author of this post is a student in HIST 300, an independent study group that has been reading historiography about Dowling, the Battle of Sabine Pass, and the contested memory of the Civil War. To satisfy one of the requirements for that course, Jaclyn did some additional research about Emancipation Park and the streets named after Dowling that bound it. Here is her own report of her findings.]


Emancipation Park came to life in 1872. Under the leadership of Reverend John Henry Yates, pastor at Antioch Baptist Church, former slaves reached out to Houston’s black community to raise $800 to purchase land for Juneteenth celebrations (McCullough). The ten-acre tract of land sits squarely in Houston’s third ward, once a vibrant center of black life in the city (Wintz). Interesting, then, that the park is bordered on two sides by streets named in honor of Dick Dowling, a man whose success at the Battle of Sabine Pass contributed to the delay of emancipation in Texas.

The intersection of Tuam Street and Dowling Street form the easternmost boundary of Emancipation Park, land purchased explicitly for commemorating June 19, 1865, the day of the formal reading of the Emancipation Proclamation in Texas. Is this juxtaposition a message to Houston’s black community? It seems as though in the war between Emancipation and Confederate memory, the battle of Emancipation Park versus its border streets is a question of space and timing.

The Dowling St.-Tuam St. border of Emancipation Park is somewhat of a chicken-or-the-egg question. Did the park exist before the streets were named as such? If so, was the city and/or the organizations responsible for having the streets named trying to send a message to the black community? Or did the streets, named as such, exist before the park, making the juxtaposition irony instead of ill-will?
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Blog Post #9

March 28th, 2011 by Caleb McDaniel

Your ninth blog post will basically be a “progress report” on the work that you do this week in conjunction with your small group project. Tomorrow in class, I will be allotting time for you to talk with your group members and develop a list of “next actions” that you need to take to get your project off the ground. Your group will assign each member one or more of these next actions. Your assignment for Blog Post #9 will then consist of two parts:

  • Write a post discussing what you have done to complete the “next action(s)” assigned to you by your group.
  • Then, you must write a comment on the posts for each of your other group members. These comments can offer suggestions, questions, or discussion what the next step to take should be. The comment can either be in response to the original post, or in response to other comments left on the post.

Because your library assignments are due Wednesday night, I am slightly revising the deadlines for this blog post assignment. Your blog post should be published by Friday, April 1, at 5 p.m. You should have your comments on the other posts on your group blog posted by Monday, April 4 at 9 a.m..

These are the firm deadlines for this assignment, but be aware that time is of the essence on these group projects. To finish these projects by the deadline, your group needs to get moving fast, especially since next week you will meet with me to draw up a contract for the project. The sooner you can get your posts published, and the sooner you can offer your comments to other group members, the quicker you can move on to the next actions you need to take.

New photos of St. Vincent’s Cemetery

March 25th, 2011 by Caleb McDaniel

Tombstone of Dick Dowling by Patrick Feller (From Flickr)

I have just loaded some new photographs into our folder of Dowling archive items. You can access the metadata for them on the Google Spreadsheet, and you can use the link to Dropbox on OWL-Space to see the photos. These are photographs of monuments related to Dowling and the Battle of Sabine Pass in St. Vincent’s Cemetery near Our Lady of Guadalupe church in Houston. They will probably be useful to all four of your groups. Incidentally, in the course of working on your group projects, you may come across other items that you think belong in our digital archive. Or you may take your own photographs of relevant sites. (We need some good photographs of the Dowling monument in Hermann Park, for example.) In that case, you can use the same Google Form you used before to report metadata on Library Assignment #1, and then upload the file on OWL-Space into the folder titled “Uploaded Student Files.”