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The primary course blog for HIST 246, Spring 2011

Archive for the ‘Dowling’ Category

Building Fort Griffin

Wednesday, March 9th, 2011

Yesterday in class, I mentioned that Confederate engineers used 500 slaves to build Fort Griffin–the fortification that proved crucial to Dowling’s victory in the Battle of Sabine Pass. In his book, Sabine Pass, which is still available on Fondren reserve, historian Edward Cotham has this to say about the conditions in which these slaves worked:

Expense records that have survived suggest that most of these slaves were transported from the Houston and Galveston areas to work on this project. This must have been extremely difficult and dangerous work. The records that have survived for similar projects in Galveston reflect a large number of fatalities among the slaves who were brought in and forced to build those fortifications. …

Kellersberg was concerned that the slaves’ owners would not make them available for work if they were abused. As he admitted in one letter requesting additional cornmeal rations in 1861, “They work hard & if such bad policy [underfeeding the slaves] is pursued, we won’t get any more of them.” The fact that the work was difficult, combined with the fact that at times relatively few slaves were available, meant that construction of the new fort at Sabine Pass tended to progress slowly, sometimes crawling to a complete stop. At one point in July, work had been suspended for so long that a local rumor suggested that the plan to build a new fort had been abandoned entirely, to be replaced with a scheme that called for Sabine Pass to be defended by cottonclad steamers alone. …

Most of the important work constructing Fort Griffin seems to have been done in the heat and humidity of August. Nicholas H. Smith, an engineer from Louisiana who had drawn the terrible assignment of supervising on-site all of the finishing touches on the fort, headed his letters from Fort Griffin with the designation “Headquarters of the Army of Mosquitoes,” noting that these insects “are so bad here that it is almost impossible for man or horse to live.” Under these conditions, the tasks of driving pilings, building a palisade, and mounting the remaining guns were proving difficult, if not impossible. Smith’s job was made even harder because of the absence of materials and the scarcity of manpower in what he described as this most “accursed of all places.” Lamenting that Colonel Sulakowski was now forcing him to work approximately eighteen hours out of each twenty-four, Smith summarized his views succinctly: “This place is hell.” Appealing to his supervisor and an even higher authority, Smith wrote near the end of August that “I wish to God you would relieve me of this place.”

(Source: Edward T. Cotham, Jr., Sabine Pass: The Confederacy’s Thermopylae (Austin: University of Texas Press, 2004), 78-79)

Some questions prompted by this passage: How does the fact that Fort Griffin was built by the forced labor of slaves affect the way you view Dowling and the memory of the battle of Sabine Pass? Should their numbers be included in the numbers of men that Dowling and the Confederates had at their disposal to prepare for the battle? Why do you think that Jefferson Davis and other Dowling promoters did not talk much about the fort itself or the conditions in which it was built? And how should the fort and the battle be remembered today? The official historic park at Sabine Pass mentions briefly the involvement of slaves in construction, but if you were to go to the actual site and see the huge statue of Dowling, what conclusions would you come away with? Is the site–either there or online–organized in such a way to ensure that the role of slavery in the battle and the war is remembered?

Why did Texas secede?

Tuesday, March 1st, 2011

Texas Ordinance of Secession, 1861

We interrupt this Spring Break to note that on this day, 150 years ago, Texas officially became a Confederate state. That makes this as good a time as any to reflect on the question: Why did Texas secede?

First, it is worth noting that secession had been brewing for months before March 1, 1861, when the final deed was struck. As today’s post on the New York Times “Disunion” blog notes, Unionists in Texas were an embattled group that did not put up much of a fight to keep Texas in the Union. On February 16, 1861, U.S. General David Twiggs and all the federal troops under his command quickly surrendered under pressure from hundreds of armed secessionists who surrounded him in San Antonio. Two days later, without a shot being fired, he and his troops filed out of Texas, leaving it to the Confederacy. Only two weeks before Twiggs’ surrender, a secession convention in Austin had adopted two documents: an ordinance of secession from the Union (pictured above), and a declaration of the state’s causes for secession. And only two weeks after Twiggs’ surrender, the deed was officially done.

If you had happened to be in San Antonio two weeks ago, you might have seen a reenactment of Twiggs’ surrender. As a recent article in the Texas Observer reported, this reenactment–organized partly by the Sons of Confederate Veterans–takes place every year on the plaza of the Alamo. But as the article also notes, if you had asked the reenactment’s organizers about the reasons for Texas’s secession, you probably wouldn’t have heard much about slavery. One of the past organizers interviewed by the Observer even said bluntly that “the South was fighting for states’ rights,” not about slavery per se.

In fact, however, the Declaration of the Causes which Impel the State of Texas to Secede from the Federal Union, adopted by the secession convention in Austin on February 2, 1861, returns again and again to the issues of slavery and race. First, the declaration argues that Texas only agreed to join the Union in 1845 on the understanding that “the institution known as negro slavery–the servitude of the African to the white race within her limits” would be protected and allowed to “exist in all future time.” According to the secessionists who voted Texas out of the Union, the federal government was now advancing schemes that would lead to the “ruin of the slave-holding States.” As a result, said the secessionists, Texans wanted to make their own views clear:

We hold as undeniable truths that the governments of the various States, and of the confederacy itself, were established exclusively by the white race, for themselves and their posterity; that the African race had no agency in their establishment; that they were rightfully held and regarded as an inferior and dependent race, and in that condition only could their existence in this country be rendered beneficial or tolerable.

That in this free government all white men are and of right ought to be entitled to equal civil and political rights; that the servitude of the African race, as existing in these States, is mutually beneficial to both bond and free, and is abundantly authorized and justified by the experience of mankind, and the revealed will of the Almighty Creator, as recognized by all Christian nations; while the destruction of the existing relations between the two races, as advocated by our sectional enemies, would bring inevitable calamities upon both and desolation upon the fifteen slave-holding States.

In short, secessionists in Texas made clear, in their own words, that they were seceding to preserve the institution of slavery permanently and to maintain a government for whites only.

One question worth pondering in the coming weeks: if this is what Texan secessionists went on record to say when they left the Union, what did Dick Dowling think about secession? In last week’s blog post, Ross raises the question of what Dowling was fighting for at Sabine Pass. How would you answer that question? Have you found evidence in your research that might indicate where Dowling stood?

At the very least, we know that Dowling was a fervent supporter of secession from very early on. He was one of over two hundred people who signed a petition in November 1860, immediately after Lincoln’s election, calling for a public meeting in Houston that later voted to ask the governor to convene the legislature. When Governor Sam Houston, a Unionist, refused to do that, secessionists took matters into the own hands by planning the February 1861 secession convention. Dowling’s rapidly enlisted after that convention called for troops, and while he was not present at Twiggs’ surrender, he was part of a group of militia companies dispatched to the lower Rio Grande Valley to force a federal army post there to surrender, which it did not long after Twiggs folded.

All of this happened before shots had been fired on Fort Sumter. There was no immediate threat of federal armies marching on Texas; on the contrary, the few federal troops in Texas were marching out. But in this crucial month, it was clear that Dowling stood on the side of the secessionists. That raises several questions worth thinking about as we continue to talk about Dowling: In the absence of evidence to the contrary, is it safe to assume he agreed with the “causes” for secession outlined in the convention’s declaration? Is there evidence that other motives played a role in his thinking? When Texas secessionists spoke about political equality for all white men, would they have included Irish Catholics like Dowling?

And here’s another question: regardless of what Dowling personally thought, what do Texas’ secession documents tell us about the kind of society Texas would have been if his side had succeeded? If Dowling’s victory at Sabine Pass had not been an isolated victory, but instead had succeeded in keeping Texas permanently outside the Union, what would Texas have looked like? If it would have looked at all like the society of permanent slavery and white supremacy envisioned in the Declaration, is it even possible to consider Dowling a hero?

Feel free to post comments on this post if you’d like to weigh in on these questions. I have been enjoying working through your Library Assignment posts. As Mercy notes in her latest round-up, your classmates have written some great posts that you should read. In the meantime, have a great Spring Break, and I’ll see you in a week.

Blog Post #6

Friday, February 18th, 2011

Your sixth blog post assignment is based on Library Assignment #1. Write a blog post summarizing AND analyzing the two articles that you located in the library.

As you discuss the article from List A, please include any pertinent things you noticed about the context surrounding the article. For example, what else was going on in Houston or the state and country that day that might shed light on the way Dowling was remembered at that moment? Does the placement of the article in the paper (front page, or opinion pages, or lifestyle pages, etc.) change the way you see the article?

Since the article from List B will be new to members if the class, you may also want to revisit some of the earlier research questions that we’ve raised about Dowling and apply them to this article. Does this article help answer some of our earlier questions? Does it raise new questions?

Your blog post is due Thursday, February 24, at 9 a.m.

Internship Opportunity

Thursday, February 17th, 2011

This is an announcement to let you all know that the Humanities Research Center will be sponsoring three undergraduate research interns to work on the Dowling Archive project–two this summer, and one this fall. If this is something that interests you, I’d encourage you to apply. Please be aware that these internships are unfortunately limited to three, so it’s possible that not everyone who applies will be accepted. See the information at the Humanities Research Center for more information, and please note that the deadline for applications is March 9.

Library Assignment #1

Tuesday, February 15th, 2011

Map of the Microfilm Room in Fondren

Your first library assignment will require you to locate, digitize, and transcribe newspaper or magazine articles about Dick Dowling, the battle of Sabine Pass, and/or the ways they have been remembered and represented over time. The digital items you create as part of this library assignment will eventually be included in the Omeka-based online archive of Dowling materials, so it is especially important to follow the instructions in this prompt carefully. The quality of this archive depends on you.

Here is a step-by-step guide to completing Library Assignment #1.

STEP 1: Go to this Writeboard link and enter the password distributed in class. Now, select one newspaper/magazine issue from List A AND one issue from List B. To claim your issues, click the “Edit This Page” button, and then put your last name in parentheses after the date of your issue. Then, be sure to enter your name in the box at the bottom of the page and click “Save as the Newest Version.” Failing to click this button will erase whatever changes you make and may enable another student to come along later and claim an issue you thought was yours.

STEP 2: Next, go to Fondren library and figure out how to view the two issues you have selected. Most of the Chronicle and Post articles will be available on microfilm in the basement. The Confederate Veteran is available in bound volumes in the Fondren stacks. The other titles should also be available in Fondren; use the catalog to find out where. If you have trouble locating your issues, talk to a reference librarian or email Mercy.

STEP 3: Look through the entire issue you’ve been assigned, and locate any article or item relating to Dowling, Sabine Pass, or the Dowling statue. As you look for articles about Dowling, you should also take some notes about the other kinds of articles and news in this issue of the paper. What else is going on in this issue or around this time? You may wish to look at a couple of issues before and after your assigned issues to get a sense of the context, and you may discover articles that are not specifically about Dowling that you still think are relevant to the sorts of research questions you’ve been asking in your blog posts (about, for example, perceptions of the Confederacy, of slavery and race, or of Irish Americans and Catholics). Save your notes as they may come in handy for Blog Post #6.

STEP 4: Create digital reproductions of the articles you find related to Dowling and Sabine Pass. You should scan the articles as *.TIFF files, using a resolution of 400 DPI. If there is a photograph, use “grayscale.” If there is only text in the article, then “black and white” will suffice. (For help scanning the articles, you can consult librarians in Fondren; they are there to help you!) All of the issues on List A and List B have at least one article about Dowling in them, so you should have at least two *.TIFF files by the end of this step, but you may find other articles you want to digitize because they seem related, and your article may have multiple pages, requiring multiple TIFF files. Give each of your files a brief, unique filename. Check to make sure the file is legible when you open it, and that you can read the words. If zooming in is necessary to read the article, make sure there is not too much pixelation when you zoom in to read. MAKE SURE YOU NOTE THE SECTION AND PAGE NUMBER ON WHICH THE ARTICLE APPEARS.

STEP 5: Transcribe the articles using a word processor. Type out each article word for word in its own document, being careful to avoid typos and indicating in brackets any word you’re unsure of. Save each document using the same filename you used for the image file, but be sure the extension for the file name is different from the image file (e.g., *.doc instead of *.tif).

STEP 6: Finally, log in to OWL-Space and navigate to the tab for HIST 246. You should see a folder called “Dowling Digital Archive Files.” Next to that folder, click on “Add,” and then select “Upload Files.” Now upload both the TIFF image files and the transcription documents you’ve created to the OWL-Space folder.

STEP 7: Now go to this Google form, and for each item you have scanned and transcribed, fill out the information on the form. You will need to fill out the form and press “submit” for each article you have scanned. These fields will provide the metadata for your item, so it is extremely important to fill out the fields as completely and accurately as possible. BE SURE TO PRESS SUBMIT SO YOUR DATA IS NOT LOST. To protect your data, you may want to fill out the answers to the form in a file on your hard drive and then copy and paste them into the form.

All of these steps must be completed by MIDNIGHT on Wednesday, February 23. It is especially important to meet this deadline because your Blog Post #6 will also relate to this assignment, so don’t wait until the last minute. Completing this assignment will require advance planning; technological glitches, library hours, and eleventh-hour problems are not extenuating circumstances that would excuse a failure to meet the deadline. Start soon and you’ll finish happy.

You will receive a grade for this assignment based on your precision and thoroughness in following these instructions, as well as on the thoughtfulness and concision of the brief description you provide about the item when filling out the Google Form. The grade is worth 10% of your total grade.

Emancipation Park

Monday, February 7th, 2011


A Google Maps image of Emancipation Park in downtown Houston, TX, showing cross-streets

During the first week of class, just before we walked over to the Dowling statue in Hermann Park, I pointed out that there is an important historic site in downtown Houston–Emancipation Park–that sits at the intersection of two streets whose names were inspired by Dowling–Tuam Street (after Dowling’s birthplace in Ireland) and Dowling Street. Coincidentally, Emancipation Park has been in the news lately thanks to plans by architect Philip Freelon to turn the park into a vibrant new cultural center.

Freelon recently visited the Menil gallery to talk about his plans, and one of the students in HIST 300–the independent study I mentioned in my last post–went to the talk. You can read her report about the lecture here.

Blog Post #5

Friday, February 4th, 2011

Program for the Dick Dowling Monument Rededication, Houston Public Library (HMRC SC1268-01-01)

In your second blog posts, you closely examined the Dick Dowling statue in Hermann Park and came up with some excellent research questions about the statue itself and the memory of the Battle of Sabine Pass. In this blog post, you’ll have the opportunity to do research with primary source documents to answer some of those questions and to generate more.

STEP 1: Read and Research. Before writing your post, go back and look at some of the questions that you and your classmates wanted answered about the Dowling statue. Then, spend at least an hour or two browsing through the Houston Public Library Digital Archives related to Dowling and the Statue. (The image in this post is an example of the kind of thing you’ll find in the archive: an invitation to the dedication ceremony held at the statue in 1997.) See if you can find anything that you think helps answer a question you or another student has about the statue. As explained in class on Tuesday, make note of the specific call number (usually something SC-1268-01-01) for any item of interest to you; the call numbers are listed in the navigation pane on the left. Note that to navigate the archive you should use a web browser that can easily load PDF files within the browser itself, like Safari or Explorer. Optional: As you try to answer your questions, you may also wish to consult the article “Dick Dowling and the Battle of Sabine Pass” by Andrew Forest Muir, a former professor here at Rice (available here as a PDF), or the book Sabine Pass, by Edward Cotham, which is available on desk reserve at Fondren.

STEP 2: Report. As you write your post, begin by reporting on what you found in the archive. What questions about Dowling can the item(s) help answer? In your report, you may cite the Muir article and/or the Cotham book if you would like, but be sure to include at least some citation to the items in the archive itself, using the call numbers you recorded while browsing.

STEP 3: Raise New Questions. Conclude your post by generating some new question(s) about the statue or about the memory of Dowling that was prompted by your browsing through the archive.

This post will be due by 9 a.m. on Thursday, February 10. You may also notice comments on your posts being left by some Rice students whose names you won’t recognize. This semester, four students are enrolled in an independent study course (HIST 300) that is focused on public history and Civil War Memory. They will be working intensively on the Omeka archive that we will also be working in our class, and they have already read and discussed Cotham’s book on Sabine Pass. Two of these HIST 300 students, Kat and Jocelyn, are in our class; two of them, Ryan and Jaclyn, are not. I’ve encouraged all four of them to chime in on your posts when and where they can shed light from their deeper study of the battle and of Civil War memory.

Blog Post #2

Friday, January 14th, 2011

Your second blog post assignment is based on the assigned reading for this week. You should read pp. 1-55 of Thomas Brown’s The Public Art of Civil War Commemoration and use specific evidence and examples from that reading when writing your comment. This book is a required text and is available in the Rice University bookstore and on 2-hour reserve at Fondren Library.

Your comment should do two things:

Task #1: Select one feature of the Dick Dowling statue in Hermann Park, which we visited yesterday, and compare it with the monuments whose designs and inscriptions are discussed by Brown on pp. 22-41. Then briefly answer: What conclusions would you draw about the Dowling statue based on its similarity to or difference from other monuments discussed by Brown? (If you would like to look refresh your memory of the statue, an anonymous local artist has posted some photographs of it on Flickr.)

Task #2: Based on your reading of Brown, come up with a potential question for research about the Dowling statue we saw. After reading Brown’s survey of post-Civil War commemorations of veterans, what would you most like to know about this statue in particular and its history? What do you think answering this question would tell us about the memory of the Civil War?

Post your responses to both tasks in the comment section below. You may wish to consult the blog post rubric (PDF) that Mercy discussed in class on Thursday to remind yourself about the important objectives for these posts. Your comment is due by 9 a.m. next Thursday, January 20.