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The primary course blog for HIST 246, Spring 2011

Blog Post #9

Your ninth blog post will basically be a “progress report” on the work that you do this week in conjunction with your small group project. Tomorrow in class, I will be allotting time for you to talk with your group members and develop a list of “next actions” that you need to take to get your project off the ground. Your group will assign each member one or more of these next actions. Your assignment for Blog Post #9 will then consist of two parts:

  • Write a post discussing what you have done to complete the “next action(s)” assigned to you by your group.
  • Then, you must write a comment on the posts for each of your other group members. These comments can offer suggestions, questions, or discussion what the next step to take should be. The comment can either be in response to the original post, or in response to other comments left on the post.

Because your library assignments are due Wednesday night, I am slightly revising the deadlines for this blog post assignment. Your blog post should be published by Friday, April 1, at 5 p.m. You should have your comments on the other posts on your group blog posted by Monday, April 4 at 9 a.m..

These are the firm deadlines for this assignment, but be aware that time is of the essence on these group projects. To finish these projects by the deadline, your group needs to get moving fast, especially since next week you will meet with me to draw up a contract for the project. The sooner you can get your posts published, and the sooner you can offer your comments to other group members, the quicker you can move on to the next actions you need to take.

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