Whichever group project you are working on, you may be interested in using and checking out some of the resources that other groups have been compiling over the last week. Since we obviously want to avoid inconsistencies in what we are saying about Dowling in the various projects you are working on, it would be worth checking in with these other resources to offer feedback if you think that something is in error or to get help settling some point of fact.
- The Movie Group is compiling their drafts of a script for their movie on Writeboard, with the same password we always use in this class.
- The Timeline Group is compiling their data on a Google Spreadsheet.
- The Podcast Group is compiling their scripts on their blog (and also on a Google Doc, link forthcoming). [UPDATE: Google Doc now available.]
- Over at the Map Group, Courtney and Craig have posted some research-heavy posts on sites related to Dowling.
Have other resources you want to make available to all the groups? Let me know.